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Individual and Couples Counselling in Calgary

2024 - a Year in Review

Writer's picture: Rovena  MagidinRovena Magidin

Happy New Year, my friends!

Rovena in a Giraffe Hat standing in front of 2 Giraffes in the Zoo

I wrote a little blog post with questions for couples to reflect on this New Year’s Eve. Then, as I was working on it, I stumbled across last year’s reflections and decided to keep the tradition alive. So here we are—sharing my learnings, gratitude, and a little slice of my world.

🌟 Total client sessions: 1189. I’m profoundly grateful for the incredible people I get to work with. Truly, what an honor. Please know that you inspire me every single day.

🌟 Blog posts published: 29. Intension was for 1 a week. Ha-ha. I have no regrets. I didn't want to force it, and had FUN sharing things I found inspiring and/or useful. No goals for next year, I'll just keep sharing.

🌟 Favourite tools I used with clients: It’s very hard to pick just two, but I’ll highlight:

  1. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping)  – a gentle and powerful method to manage our emotions and thoughts, very helpful with anxiety, depression and trauma as well as self regulation and compassionate relationship with ourselves.

  2. Flash Technique – A powerful trauma-healing method.

🌟 Favourite client comments : This year I have two.

  • “Every time I talk to you, I feel a million times better, and this time was no exception.”

  • “You are changing my life.”

I’m proud, and so deeply grateful for the privilege of doing this work. I carry them in my heart, and it keeps me going.

🌟 Favourite book of the year: I didn’t read as much as I hoped. Life was full, and my stack of unread books grew taller (I still keep buying them. I think I might have a problem).

But one book stood out: The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife by Jungian Psychologist James Hollis. Turning 50 this year, this book felt like a wise and compassionate guide, reminding me that while midlife transitions can feel lonely, we’re never truly alone.

🌟 Favorite trainings:

  • Hakomi (Mindfulness-Based Somatic Psychotherapy) - I'm in love. Hakomi is all about presence, and nourishment, and gentleness and kindness - exactly how I want to be in the world.

  • ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) - practical way of embodiment the Serenity prayer as a way of living a meaningful and fulfilling life. "God (Goddess, Universe, Self, Higher Power), grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". (this thought is mine and my own, and is not an official definition of ACT)

  • Learning from Hedy Schleifer, my favourite couples’ therapist. At 80 years old, she radiates wisdom, love, and vibrancy. I'm inspired.

  • Laughter Yoga – I loved it. Such a joyful experience. Highly recommended!

  • Positive Psychology with Marty Seligman – It’s really wonderful. Modern psych is so focused on what’s wrong or what could go wrong, that it’s really nice to think and talk about what’s right, what could get even better and how we can get there. 

🌟 Favourite memories of the year:

  • Hiking in the mountains with friends - soul-nourishing every time.

  • Completing my fifth (and likely last) Vipassana, a 10-day silent meditation retreat. It's a favourite memories because of the simplicity of being and presence. It's my last one because my body can't sit this long anymore. I want a meditation retreat with yoga and dancing and chanting and hiking in nature + the silence. :)

  • Celebrating New Year’s Eve with my small but mighty family—one of the most special nights of the year.

🌟 What was tough this year:

  • Helping two of my kids get their driver's licences. I'm such proud mama, but I'm also a chicken, so it was hard. Also kids getting independent - awesome, but hard.

  • Working too much and skirting the edge of burnout - a warning sign that I’m not taking care of me. A kick in the butt I needed to put myself back on the priority list. I’ve started playing piano again, making art, and staying away from my phone.

  • Facing health challenges and slower healing from injuries—a humbling reminder of how our bodies change with time. Going through fear and hope, disillusionment and acceptance. It's a human condition and I found more compassion to myself and a deeper understanding of others.

🌟 What I’m most excited about: Starting my Yoga Teacher Training! This program is rooted in Hakomi principles (mindfulness and loving-kindness), polyvagal theory (trauma-informed), and is a gentle, nourishing approach to movement and being in the body. It’s not about perfect poses but about asking, What would be the most supportive and kind way to move with my body right now? I'll be done by the end of 2025 and I'm stoked about it.

🌟 Looking ahead: While this Christmas break felt way too short, I’m ready to dive back into work and all the exciting possibilities this year holds.

What I Offer

I provide:

Let’s work on communication, conflict resolution, intimacy (sexual and non-sexual), anxiety, and emotions—some of my favourite areas to explore.

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© 2023 by Rovena's Sanctuary Inc.

Couples And Individual Counselling with Rovena Magidin, RTC

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