On Grief

Updated: May 12, 2023

This post will be very quick. I was asked to share resources on grief, and here are 2 of the best books I've read on grief and loss and some resources that I came across in my research.
“If you love, you will grieve—and nothing is more mysteriously central to becoming fully human. “Joanne Cacciatore

“Finding Meaning” by Dr. David Kessler. A therapist and a person who's life was affected by loss, David shares isights and tools for people going through grieving.
Here’s David’s website where he has resources and online grief support groups

“It’s ok that you are not ok” by Megan Devine.
Also a therapist whose life has been shattered by a tragic loss, Megan wrote a brilliant book that that helps not only a grieving person, but also people supporting someone who is in their grief. Sometimes people just don't know what to say, or say clichés like "time will heal" or "at least you have known love" - which is really not at all helpful. This books shares many insights on how we can love and support a grieving person.
After having heard him speak, I highly recommend the work of Dr. Alan Wolfelt.
Here’s a resource for kids and people supporting kids and teens in grief:
Here’s an article on GoodTherapy.org that talks about grief and bereavement, stages and tasks of mourning, what makes grief complicated, and a broken heart syndrome.
Here's a beautiful site with great blog posts, some online courses and also access to in-person support for people grieving death or preparing for death by Sarah Kerr, PhD, The Center for Sacred Death Care: https://sacreddeathcare.com/
There are a lot more resources and books and online support out there of course. There are therapists specializing in grief. There are many groups, online and in person. Please don’t give up until you find what works for you. Please keep reaching out.
We don’t deal well with grief and loss in our society. We don’t talk about it much but it’s a good conversation to have. Not easy, but we need to be talking about it. We need our village to support us, we need to be able to support others going through grief and loss. We are not alone in it, and we shouldn’t be alone.
In my work, in Couples Counselling and Individual Counselling, we are learning how to have these conversations in a way that they bring healing, connection, compassion, instead of disappointment and disconnect. If you need support, feel free to book your free consultation here. I offer Individual and Couples Therapy in Calgary and online around the world.