Sex and Intimacy Therapy for Women
This page is different from the rest of the website because this work is different. I don't know if I can share the sacredness of it, but I will try.
Getting help with Sex Therapy in Calgary
My Body, My Heart, MySelf
I want to understand my body and my sexuality.
I’m disconnected from my body, my heart, my sexuality.
My heart is guarded. Will I ever trust again?
I have never orgasmed with a parter.
I’ve orgasmed with previous partners, but not with my current one.
I’ve never orgasmed. Period. What's wrong with me?
I've been faking my orgasms and pleasure for years... It feels so inauthentic, but how do I tell my partner now?

Desire and Life Stages
I just have no desire.
After having kids I just don’t have any desire anymore. Where did it go?
I’m going through peri-menopause - everything is changing. I don’t think I’ll ever want to have sex again.
Ever since I started my anxiety (or depression) meds, my desire changed. I don’t really want to have sex, and when we do, it’s not the same. It takes forever to reach an orgasm, and even if I get there, it doesn’t feel as good as before. Why even bother?
I’m in menopause. Sex hurts. It feels like sand paper or it’s burning.
Pain and Abuse
Sex hurts.
I’ve been abused as a child. Will it haunt me forever?
I’ve been abused in the past. I don’t know how to trust anymore.
My past relationship broke me. How do I move forward?
I’m married and we are doing so good, we are best friends and great parents, but we are not good in the bedroom. He doesn’t say anything but I know he’s not happy. I’m scared.
We are so different, I just don't understnad him, and I sure don't feel understood. Are we incompatible?
Am I the only one?
I don’t think I’m like other women. Am I the only one? Is there something wrong with me?
There's got to be more!
There’s got to be more to sex. I know it. I just don’t know how to get there.
You are not alone
Maybe it feels that your body or your heart is broken, maybe it even feels that your spirit has been broken, but the real YOU, who you truly are, is not broken, has never been broken. You are disconnected. You are hurting. But you are not broken. And you are definitely not alone. I know. I've been there, and I've talked to hundreds of women
Part of the healing work is to find again that deep authentic connection with yourself, and from that space start healing (and loving) your heart, your body, your life, your sexuality. Like so many women have done before, you don't have to do it alone.
I truly believe we are not meant to do this alone.
I’m deeply honoured to do this work with women - in private one on one sessions, or holding space in women’s circles.

I've been there

I’ve been there myself - sexual trauma, sexual pain (years and years of it), not being able to orgasm with a partner, faking it at times, crying at other times, being completely disconnected from my body, heart and spirit.
I just lived from my neck up. I didn't know how to be in my body. My mind was my escape. Who needs sex anyway? I didn’t know what I was missing, I didn’t know what was possible. Seeing other women thriving, I couldn't imagine that one day it would be possible for me too.
I didn’t know that disconnecting from my sexual energy, and from anything feminine, I was disconnecting from my creativity, my intuition, my playful spirit, my pleasure, my heart. I didn’t know I was living with my heart closed.
It all changed, and I’m so grateful to be able to support others on the same path. Me doing my inner work changed the course of my life, my relationships and friendships, my career, my body. I found my passion, and my purpose, I found so much joy. I found myself.
Sex Therapy Can Help
This is so much more that just about sex. It’s about self love. Self love in action. It’s about healing. It’s about knowing who you are. It’s about giving yourself permission to feel. It’s about giving yourself permission to feel pleasure. It’s about creating relationships that’s deeply fulfilling. Starting with relationship with yourself.
My name is Rovena Magidin, I am a sex therapist and a counsellor, and working with intimacy and sexuality is my passion. I work with women to help them create relationships and intimacy that’s deeply fulfilling for them.
For over 15 years I have trained in the field of sexuality from both Eastern and Western perspective. We might be using tools from EMDR, Compassion-Focused Therapy, neuroscience perspective, Attachment theory, Polyvagal theory, Mindfulness, or we might be talking about Tantra. It’s whatever works for You. You will feel safe, and comfortable and you will feel supported.
To read more about me, click here.

What others say
"It helped me live more presently, authentically and passionately. It helped me realize I had so much love I wanted to give but felt I couldn't because I couldn't let go of past hurt"
"I loved working with you. I felt heard and supported and not judged!"
"It has been an honour"
"Your passion changed the trajectory of my life, and in many many ways, saved it (in giving me the tools to "save" myself)."
"Rovena's work has changed my life for the infinitely better. She has taught me boundaries, communication, to ask for what I want, to receive pleasure and to give unconditionally, and to be able to handle other peoples no's. It is such a blessing."
"I am in love ... and loving myself."
"I speak about you to everyone ... you were pivotal in putting me back together and helping me to find my worth."
"For so long I felt like something was wrong with me and now that I feel like I am normal and feel like it is okay to feel the way I do sometimes (bashful or not wanting to be touched) and that I/we just need to find things that work for me to tap into my sexuality. It sort of feels like a weight has been lifted."
"Thank you for doing the work you're doing. I want everyone to feel the depth of love in full bloom and how safe you can be in trust and vulnerability. We need people like you who facilitate this healing space. I know you have helped me peel back layers of myself so that I could be that much closer to knowing what my natural state of love in Being is, and I know you have done this for many others."
"I learned what it meant to totally love myself. I learned how to stand in my own power. I Learned that I am not the only one that feels alone"
What is sex therapy like with me?
One of the first things people comment on about the sessions - how comfortable they feel when talking about such vulnerable issues as sex. How much information they get, how practical it is, and how confident they are that they can apply the skills they are learning. Talking about sex doesn’t have to be awkward, it can actually be …. Fun.
I see couples who haven’t had sex for years flirting and laughing and exploring new things in the bedroom. I see people excited to talk about intimacy and to learn more about their partner. I have people tell me

“We are so lucky we’ve got you. I thought there’s something wrong me, but there isn’t anything wrong. I feel so much lighter.” Or “We got to connect on a level I was afraid had disappeared. It came back loud and clear last night. I'm so grateful. Thanks again.”
Common issues women are working on in counselling
sex pain
low or no desire
cannot orgasm
past relationships hurts
attachment wounds
sexual trauma
feeling disconnected from yourself
harsh and critical inner voice
What we can be working on
deep authentic relationship with yourself and who you are in the world and your relationships
understanding of your sexuality and feminine energy. Not defined by anyone else, but you
tantra and tantric sexuality. Energy of sex. Energetic orgasms
rediscovering play and creativity, connecting with your intuition
developing inner voice that is compassionate and warm
learning about your Core Erotic Blueprints
discovering how to have fantastic sex life through life changes like pregnancy and postpartum, menopause, aging

Inclusivity and Safety
I strive to be a radically inclusive therapist, meaning I work with adults (18+) - all adults. I work with people of all genders and sexual orientations, I work with people from different cultures and races and faiths. I am LGBTQA-friendly and celebrating, kink-affirming and educated, polyamory-friendly and affirmative. Can we just say that I am friendly and affirming? Because I am. I want to create a very safe space for you to show up as you are. To explore your identity, lifestyle, needs and desires. To figure out what works for your relationships. I want you to feel seen, as you are.
Ready for the next step?
If what you've read resonated with you, I'd love to support you. Click here to schedule your free 30 - minutes phone or online consultation for sex therapy or intimacy coaching in Calgary. People wonder if they can call me and ask questions about sex. Yes you can. It’s a great conversation to have. And I can assure you it doesn’t have to be embarrassing or awkward. I’d love to help you.
My other specialties include Couples and Marriage Counselling, Discernment Counselling, and Individual Counselling
I am here to help
If you have any questions, please contact me. I’d be happy to talk to you and make sure you have all the information you need to make the right decision for you.